Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Bug

A couple days ago, I received an email from our good friend, Dan Silverstein, whining about how he hadn’t received a blog in ages…and how he was “over me.” Right. Let’s put an end to that, shall we?

This week I bring you a double header, just to make sure you keep liking me. Just scroll down after you finish “The Bug.”

Back to the blog at hand…I caught malaria. Shrieks, horrified glances, panic etc etc etc. I’m fine.
On Monday, after finally confirming with myself that something was awry in my body (and that no, I was not pregnant), I headed to the neighborhood clinic where a Spanish doctor (taught in Cuba) headed a lovely little practice called AFRUS. Prick on finger, blood on microscope slide, and waiting room for 20 minutes. Doc confirmed, yup, you have THE BUG. Welcome to Angola. She actually said “Welcome to Angola!”

So what did this mean, 6 tablets (2 on the first day, 1 per day after that), lots of juice drinking (yum, mango) and a choice of the other rack of stuff she gave me including a tonic (for strength…made in India…rrriiight), an ear/nose liquid (also made in India, I think), and blue giant pills against “pain” (I’ll stick to Advil thank you very much).

I arrived home and was out for pretty much the rest of the week. The couch became my best friend.

No, no, no, saga not finished yet. Tuesday morning Luis wakes up with a pounding headache, and I tell him, GO GET CHECKED. He ignores my wise suggestion and goes to work. A few hours later I get a call. “Went to the clinic, was really not feeling well. I have malaria.” HA! Picture the two of us, draping the couch in our melancholy, dizzy state…for one week! …And we’re still madly in love…go figure.

To date, I have done the following to protect myself from the evil little mosquitoes:
- Demal 200
- Bug spray the moment the sun starts going down
- Mosquito nets
- Air conditioning in apartment
- Citronella candles
- Mosquito coils
I mean really. What else can I DO???? Suggestions welcome. Say NO to malaria.

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