Saturday, October 25, 2008


There’s a Portuguese word that has no direct translation in any language I know. “Saudades.” The word is a longing for things, people and places that aren’t quite available in the “now.” You know, that feeling of I’m-never-going-to-live-in-that-house-again, wow-i-remember-when-I-could-fit-in-that-dress, where-in-the-world-is-Naama…you know, those kind of feelings. So, as they say here, to” kill” your saudades (no violence here, really), I have returned.

I feel like those boy bands that are gone for an eternity and then decide to launch their “Best of…” album. Those albums mostly suck, but I hope I will not disappoint with my ramblings this time round.

I have a new home on the web, tada!. As my life has gone from saving-the-world-via-building-a-website-for-an-NGO to running an ad agency in Angola, it was wise of me to stop abusing of the Palms for Life blog and create my own little nest here in the heart (or rather the southern heart) of Africa. I have, however, negotiated a pretty good deal with PFL. When I have something to say about development issues in this beautiful country of mine, I can jot down a line or two. Lucky me.

My brain is full of fun little stories which I’ll just have to space out so you don’t bore, but let me start with this. I have moved homes to a fancier building with a GENERATOR, hot water IN THE KITCHEN, and a MAN (more to come on that front), but alas you will find me every morning still taking baths from a bucket…somehow the hot water (and water pressure) in the kitchen hasn’t quite reached the bathroom yet.

Work will start on the house. Really, this time. And the kitchen WILL be redone.